How to make green tea? There are several options available to you depending on whether you have full leaf tea, loose leaf tea, or tea bags.
Here’s a secret – these are the same thing. Companies use the two names interchangeably.
OK, this is your How To Brew Green Tea 101 course. Let’s get started…
For one serving you need:
There are three common methods to brew the tea.
This is the most common way to make green tea in China. Just toss some loose leaves into an empty glass or mug and add hot water. I personally don’t care for this method because the leaves go in your mouth. But that’s just me. Here’s how it’s done.
This is my favorite way of brewing green tea. Lift the lid and you’ll find a small wire screen where the tea leaves go. With a tea pot, you get all the flavor without the soggy leaves going in your mouth. Here’s how it’s done.
If you don’t have all of the fancy equipment to make green tea, and you still don’t want to get soggy leaves in your mouth, try this.
How to make green tea using tea bags?
This is by far the easiest way to brew green tea. The only downfall is that bagged green tea doesn’t give you all of the same benefits as you would get from from loose tea. This is because bagged tea is usually broken and finer than loose leaves causing the loss of important catechins.
However, It is much easier to do this if you are pressed for time. If you’re not in a big hurry though, have some loose tea. It’s better for you!
Important – I wouldn’t recommend cutting the tea bag open and brewing it like loose tea. Doing this would just get a bunch of bits in your drink. I suggest using it the way it was designed.
So, now you have some ideas on how to make green tea. But, remember the longer it sits in hot water the more bitter it becomes.